Saturday, April 12, 2014

Caribou Gone's Step Forward Into Restaurant Control

The Caribou Gone political party has started to become a major player in the restaurant business. They have begun to take control of all the restaurants in our country in order to control and manipulate. The Caribou Gone party has gone too far.(As seen in the picture below.) Do NOT approach one of their buildings, as they will try to use you to gain popularity amongst instagramers, hipsters, and white girls alike. Did I mention none other than Hitler is at the door always waiting, always watching? Or the fact that there is no way of putting out any "accidental fires" in the building? Are these just Coincidences? I think not! Don't you want justice? Come join us. Justice is out there. Quoth the Raven. Nevermore.


You Know What the Word is

The Caribou Gone quote-on-quote "Liberation" Front has decided that the atrocity of Racism should be continued by the segregation of Birds. This is NOT ADMISSIBLE. Racism of any kind is unacceptable, no matter to what species it adheres to. Also, they STILL want to relinquish the world of Cats, especially CUTE ONES. 

Down With Racism! 
Down with Cat Genocide!
Down With Caribou Gone!

Revolution is in the Air

H3ll0 PCD. H3ll0 W0rld. H3ll0 Kitty.

After years of the Caribou Gone supporting the murder of young kittens at the hands of giant cleavers and sporks the Raven Corporation is coming in to stop these horrible crimes against humanity. We, the Raven Corporation, are tired of idly standing by, as those pompous, arrogant, feudalists have been killing cats like the one pictured above. Arn't you tired of them killing cats? Don't you want justice? Come join us. Justice is out there. Quoth the Raven. Nevermore.